Customised to your needs
At Wedoo we are committed to protecting the unique business processes
and workflows that sculpt your competitive advantage. Our KPMG heritage means we analyse business
needs and processes first. We won't recommend a 'one-size-fits-all' solution.
We value the unique
We thrive on challenges and we're yet to meet a business challenge that could not be met with Odoo.
Managing costs, setting expectations and delivering on schedule might seem like wishful thinking when it comes to customised software but it's all part of the Wedoo promise.

What is customisation in ERP software?
Customisation in ERP software is to change the way the software works to better suit the needs of your specific business. This can involve changing or adding fields, reports, or even entire modules to the system. It can also include creating custom interfaces or workflows to make it easier for your team to use.
ERP customisation is a great way to make sure the software is working exactly the way you want it to. It can save you time and money by eliminating the need to manually enter data into your system or do complex workarounds to get the reports you need. Customisation also ensures that your system will continue to meet your needs as your business grows and changes.
Should you customise your ERP system?
It depends on the type of erp system you are working with and your specific business needs and goals. Because customisation will cost more than a standard, out-of-the-box ERP system, it’s a good idea to consult with an erp specialist to get their advice on whether customisation is necessary. If you are using an open-source erp system like Odoo, it is easier and more cost effective to make it work for your specific business needs. However, if you are using a closed-source erp system like SAP or SaaS like Netsuite, customisation is likely to be significantly more expensive and time consuming.
What happens to software customisations when an ERP application is updated?
ERP applications are updated regularly in order to keep up with changes in technology and business needs. However, customisations can make it challenging to update an erp application. This is because customisations often need to be re-done to work with the new version of the application. Customisations can also interfere with the smooth running of an update, as they can cause compatibility issues. It is important therefore, to work with an experienced team of ERP consultants who posses the discipline to build customisation in a way that future proofs your system for future upgrades.
does it mean to configure an ERP application?
In general, configuring an ERP application typically involves setting up the application to work with your company's existing systems and processes. This can involve anything from entering customer and product data into the software to configuring how different departments will use the software to fulfill their specific needs.
Of course, every ERP application is different and the configuration of each will depend on the initial scoping of your requirements to ensure optimum configuration of an application for your business.
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